In 1994 the animated film “The Lion King” was released by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Since its release, the film has raised more than 968 million US dollars worldwide. After 25 years, the Disney remake will be released in Germany on July 17, 2019. Shortly before the cinema launch, Steiff launched a limited edition of Simba & Co.

The most popular character in the Disney classic is Simba, who will return to children’s rooms with the launch of Steiff’s Limited Edition. Together with the Walt Disney Company, Margarete Steiff GmbH is dedicating a counterpart made of the finest gold blonde mohair to this protagonist.

Limited Edition “The Lion King”

The small cuddly companion is 24 cm tall and strictly limited to 1,994 pieces. Of course this Steiff cuddly toy also has the famous “button in the ear”. Due to the close cooperation with the Walt Disney Company, Steiff was able to get very close to the world-famous cartoon original.

In addition to the figure of Simba, there are other animals that accompany the “The Lion King” on his journey. Among other things, there are impressive lions and cute meerkats that not only win the hearts of the little ones. Thus I am awakened again the collecting passion with the adults.

Walt Disney Company

The US media company Walt Disney Company became known through the production of cartoons and entertainment films for children and teenagers. According to Forbes Global 2000, the Walt Disney Company ranks 67th among the world’s largest companies (as of 2017) with sales of $55.6 billion and a profit of $9.0 billion. With a market capitalization of 178.0 billion USD (beginning of 2017), it is the largest media company worldwide.




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Link: Steiff launches a limited edition of the new movie “King of the Lions”.

Image: Steiff
